Monday, April 25, 2011

Drake - 10 Months

It's hard to believe that in a short 2 months Drake will be turning 1. 9 Months was such a fun age:
*Drake began his "crab crawl" -- crawling on one knee and the other foot.
*He waves "hi" and "bye" and recently started whispering bye bye bye bye.
*He claps and loves playing pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo!
*He smiles, laughs and giggles when tickled under his chin, on his legs or under his arms but also started just laughing when you make funny faces at him or try to get him!
*His first word was dadda but some of his other favorites are mama, ca (for Stormy our cat), byebye, and papa.
*He loves playing catch with any kind of ball.
*Drake is such a happy, smiley, busy little boy who loves his new freedom of crawling (and now trying to pull himself up on things). He brings such joy into our family and to all the people that he encounters! We are blessed.
*Other random things:
Drake has moved into the rear-facing convertible carseat as he is about to outweigh the infant seat (he is around 21lbs).
He goes to bed around 7pm and sleeps 11-12 hours at night.
He has 7 teeth and has been a really great "teether"
Gabe's cousin Laura continues to watch him during the day while we are at work and we know that he is loved and cared for. Laura's husband Justin comes home each day at lunch time and loves playing with Drake -- especially catch!

Big Brother!

Drake is so excited to finally be able to share the news that he is going to be a big brother!!!! We are expecting #2 September 27th so Drake and his baby brother/sister will be 15 months apart! I'm 18 weeks this week and have been feeling great!