Thursday, September 30, 2010

Daddy Daze

Just brought Drake home
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Daddy was back to work on Monday
Drake came at a busy time at work for daddy -- lots of loans to close before June 30thFinally home and able to relax1 Week Old Feeding Drake his first bottle while mommy was getting a pedicure

1 Month OldAugust 2010Brookfield Zoo - August 2010

It's a Boy!

Dr. decided to induce me Thursday, June 24 after my blood pressure was high at my appointment for the 2nd week in a row. Gabe and I did not come to our appointment prepared to have a baby, so we had to go home and grab our bags (and I spent some time cleaning up around the house) and we headed back to the hospital to get things started. At my appointment, Dr. had scraped my membranes which had started mild contractions, so we were able to skip the cervidil and start right on the pitocin. My body was contracting so frequently (which thankfully the contractions were not strong) that my dr. decided to let me rest that night because I wasn't progressing and he wanted to give baby and I a break. Early Friday morning, they started the pitocin, I got the epidural around noon, napped, started pushing around 4pm and at 5:57pm, Gabe pulled the towel off baby to find out that we were the proud parents of a sweet baby boy!

Drake Lee Pettit


8 lbs 2.7 oz


Going Home!

Back Tracking..

I've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs so I thought it might be time to start my own. We'll back track to my pregnancy and then to the birth of Drake and bring you up to date on life as we know it with our family of 3!

Approximately 16 Weeks (My sign is wrong) :)

20 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

The week of d-day